FREquently Asked questions

  • Read my about me section and scroll down to the bottom to see “What I am not” section. I believe these will give you a good guideline as to who I am capable for working with.

    Still have questions? I offer a free 10 minute consultation appointment. This allows us to briefly review why you are seeking support and how I can help.

  • You may cancel or reschedule an appointment anytime as long as you provide 48 hours notice. If you cancel an appointment with less than 48 hours notice or fail to show up, you will be charged the full fee for the appointment. Of course, we also understand that there are times that an emergency may come up closer to the appointment, and in that case, we will make every effort to reschedule your appointment to another available time that week.

    Current clients can use the Secure Client Portal by clicking Here to access online scheduling widget to cancel or request a new appointment.

  • I require a credit or debit card on file in order to schedule sessions. Your card on file will be charged automatically for your portion of your session fee. The session fee is due at time of service.

  • We do not participate in any insurance panels. We may be considered an out-of-network insurance provider and can provide Superbills for you to submit for reimbursement from your insurance company.

    I highly encourage you to call your insurance company and ask them the following:

    Do I have behavioral/mental health coverage?

    How many outpatient psychotherapy sessions am I allotted in my plan?

    What are my out-of-network benefits for seeing a Marriage and Family Therapy Associate under billing codes 90791, 90837, or 90847?

    Are there any limitations, requirements, or restrictions in accessing my plan?

    Am I limited to a dollar amount per year that will be covered?

    What is the amount of my deductible, co-pay, and co-insurance amounts after insurance adjustment is applied?

  • No. While i specialize in play I also utilize other therapy models such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), systemic family therapy, Bowen transgenerational family therapy, Symbolic-Experiential therapy and Adlerian Therapy.

    I also offer parent support that is guided by positive parenting. A Adlerian approach to parenting.

    Each treatment plan and method is customized to the client. Play is usually integrated with other models when working with children. It makes therapy more engaging by acting out new skills instead of only talking about them.

  • We are located at 1818 Westlake ave N Seattle, WA 98109 Suite 224.

    There is paid 2 hour parking on site for a rate of 0.50 cents/hour

    I also offer telehealth appointments for those who reside in the state of Washington.

  • Yes, while I try my best to have a wide scope of knowledge. There are areas that are out of my scope of practice and for clinical reasons, it recommend that you seek these services elsewhere.

    Domestic Abuse (DA), Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), and Coercive Control (CC) are serious, complicated dynamics that can be dangerous to your safety, your mental health, and even your life. I do not have the experience in this area that I believe will serve you best if these dynamics are present in your life, or if the goals of therapy include trauma from IPV, DA, or CC. If you are already aware that you have experienced IPV, DA, or CC in the past, or are currently experiencing these dynamics, please seek services with a provider who has expertise in these areas. I will be happy to help if I can. Sometimes people don’t realize they are involved in abusive relationships, and evidence of this kind of relationship may arise after we have started your therapy. If you start treatment with me and I come to believe that you may be experiencing any of these dynamics, I may refer you to another provider. If this occurs, it is important that you understand that a referral to a counselor who has experience in Domestic Abuse would be to ensure that you can access care, not to abandon your care. If you think you may be experiencing a relationship with any type of abuse, you can also call the 24/7 National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233 for information or for someone to talk to anytime.

    I do not provide neurological or psychiatric evaluations

    I do not provide evaluations or write Individual Education Programs (IEPs) for schools.

    I do not provide forensic services for court.

    I do not provide opinions or recommendations in the form of letters or declarations related to custody, medical likelihood of recovery or cause of any condition, or any other forensic matter.

    I do not provide letters for emotional support pets.

    I do not provide Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) treatment.

    To do so is outside the scope of my practice. If you seek counseling here in order to receive such letters or opinions, please know that you will have to seek those services elsewhere.

  • Generally, session content and Protected Health Information (PHI) relevant to your treatment are
    confidential, unless you request in writing release to a specific person. There are many exceptions to
    confidentiality. Some of the Limits of Confidentiality include mandatory and permissive reports:
    1. I am a mandated reporter of abuse and neglect of children. If I have a reasonable cause to
    believe that a child has suffered abuse or neglect, I must report that information to proper authorities.
    This means that if you tell me about abuse or neglect that occurred years ago to you or to another
    child, even if it was already reported, I will likely have to report it to Child Protective Services (CPS) or
    other appropriate authorities;
    2. I am also a mandated reporter of abuse and neglect of vulnerable adults such as elder,
    disabled, or dependent people. If I have a reasonable cause to believe that a vulnerable person has
    suffered abuse, neglect, abandonment, or exploitation, I must report that information to the proper
    3. If I believe you cannot care for yourself, may seriously harm yourself, or may harm another
    person, I may disclose information without your consent;
    4. If you are now or even in the future may become involved in a custody battle or dissolution of
    marriage, it is possible that your PHI may be subpoenaed even if you do not want it to;

    and others that are outlined fully in my informed consent documents.

  • Encourage Family Therapy PLLC does not offer 24/7 crisis response. If you are in crisis, please call the Crisis Clinic at 866.427.4747 or National Emergency Line at 988 for immediate support. In case of emergency, call 911 or go directly to the nearest hospital emergency room. You can also call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233, 24/7.

  • Due to the importance of your confidentiality and the importance of minimizing dual relationships, I do not accept “friend” or “contact” requests from current or former clients on any social networking site (such as but not limited to Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram). I believe that adding clients as friends or contacts on these sites can compromise your confidentiality and our respective privacy. It may also blur the boundaries of our therapeutic relationship. If you attempt to contact me in a message or post on Social Networking sites, I will not read these messages nor respond as these platforms are not secure and can compromise your confidentiality and our respective privacy. If you have questions about this, please bring them up when we meet and we can talk more about it. If you are inclined to place a review online, please feel free to discuss your concerns with me directly.

  • No, I do not allow pets in the office, if we meet in-person. When meeting via Zoom, I ask that pets only be in the same room with you if they do not cause you any distraction.

  • Education

    • B.A. in Fine Arts, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, 2015
    • M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy, Antioch University Seattle, 2022
    • Certificate in Play Therapy, Antioch University Seattle, 2022

    Professional Memberships

    • American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (2019-present)
    • Association for Play Therapy (2021-present)
    • Washington Association for Play Therapy (2021-present)
    • Washington Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (WAMFT) (2019-present)
    • WAMFT Conference Research Presenter (2021)
    • Vice President of Delta Kappa Alpha Zeta (Marriage and Family Therapy Honor Society),
    Antioch University Seattle, (2020-2022)